HealthLink was created to serve and support communities. Our roots start with a community of elders, family, grandparents aging in place, and committed to their continued health and independence.
These are difficult times. Aging-in-Place. Supporting independence but also concerned for health and well being, Our Communities turn to one another for support, judgement free, caring and love. HealthLink is proud to give back and give to those helping one another.
We are a nation of communities, often connected by faith, and within those connections, committed to the support of one another. Within that support are sub-groups of our community who face challenges with chronic conditions, Diabetes, Hypertension and Obesity chief among them.
These are the hallmarks of our Community of Faith initiative.
HealthLink Insight™ for Community of Faith starts with simplicity. A health monitoring platform that was designed to support community members with at-risk Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Failure, Obesity and COPD.
With the Church or C.o.F. as a hub, HealthLink supports ministries caring for one another through a model we call Community Cares™ - where the Church or CoF coordinates monitoring of at-risk parishioners and community members at a deeply discounted rate. Community members subscribe to the service through their Church which benefits financially at pricing from about $1.90 per subscribed member per day.
HealthLink's goal is to enable improved health outcomes by making information available in a simple, low-cost, non-intrusive way that supports the Church and it's members. Through a "Neighbor Watch" type model health ministry affiliates and members look out for one another, checking in and, when appropriate, reaching out and advocating for medical support for another. We are proud to be supporters and providers of the resources and technology to help our communities enhance health, monitor for Covid-19, indications that Hypertension or Diabetes, Heart Failure or COPD conditions require medical attention or intervention.
HealthLink is proud to support the Community through the Community.
Call (410.625.1510) or CLICK for More Information
We are honored to help Communities of Faith support one another and themselves.
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