Insight. Proactive Engagement. Improved Outcomes.
Better Economics for Providers, Payers & Patients
A community monitoring model that enables each stakeholder to stay connected, be alerted, and intervene proactively at the early signs of decline of health.
360 is about insight, care, information flow, that is patient tailored and provider/stakeholder centric. Making a difference - that's what 360 Delivers.
As patients, we turn to primary care providers as our Go-To Doc. To borrow from football, these giants are a cross between a coach and Quarterback - setting the strategy and key goals, defining the plays but relying on the patient and their community-of-care to execute and be the first line of support.
This is why we created HealthLink-360™ - A model where each stakeholder can be alerted to a patient / loved-one's results and compliance with the Provider's plan-of-care. The 360 Difference™ means keeping connected, staying informed and supporting proactive identification and intervention *before* hospitalization becomes necessary.
Best of all - HealthLink-360™ is available at no-cost! Included with every HealthLink monitored patient, the 360 Difference™ keeps those closest informed and engaged without any apps. Extending the efficacy of care and health outcomes - HealthLink-360™
Specialists are a critical part of the 360-Model of care - AND - they can't do it alone. Patients under specialist's care - especially those with CVD and/or Diabetes / Renal involved populations have unique criteria in monitoring patients.
But specialists are part of a larger holistic care group - one that includes the patient's Primary Care Provider, Caregiver(s) and likely other specialists.
HealthLink-360™ keeps each of these key stakeholder connected with the patient and able to connect with one another, easily, effortlessly, and without apps or workflow disruption. Ask us how! Keeping Specialists, Patients, PCPs and stakeholders connected and engaged drives better health outcomes and lower total cost of care.
Ask any medical provider - Community of Care is one of the most invaluable components to success in managing care, especially chronic conditions including Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Failure, Obesity, COPD, and now, Covid-19.
We crated HealthLink out of a personal need to keep family connected with a beloved grandmother who, at 95, was a widow, living independently (and intending to stay that way), and fiercely private. Having her provider's be alerted when the more critical alerts triggered was a given. By having family and her caregivers looped-in and able to support her keeping up with readings, and able to advocate with and for her when indications of health decline emerged, over a dozen hospitalizations were able to be avoided.
HealthLink-360™ is a no-cost service from HealthLink. For communities of care that are faith-centered HealthLink enables support with and by health ministry and outreach - again at no cost. Communities work best when working together, and it is HealthLink's goal to leverage successful health outcomes and reduced hospitalizations.
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